Back in Time for Christmas by Lindsey Varley

£23.00 incl. zero VAT

The approximate running time of this play is 40 minutes.

Father Christmas presses the wrong lever on his new super, duper supersonic sleigh and goes back in time to the Stone Age. He meets the Ugg-Flintstones, who know nothing about Christmas, of course. Obviously a bit of time travel is in order.



This is a jolly romp through a few of the important stages of the Christmas festival. Father Christmas takes the Ugg-Flintstone family to see The Nativity and then it’s fast forward to the Victorian era for some carolling, mistletoe and present-giving, before being introduced to the modern family and their decorated Christmas tree.

Songs suggested in the script are:

  • Moving Right Along
  • We Wish You A Merry Christmas
  • Rock Around the Clock


As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, prop and costume making.

See a sample of Back in Time for Christmas (includes cast size etc.)