Down The Rabbit Hole by Stewart Auty

£27.00 incl. zero VAT

The approximate running time of this play is 50 minutes.

If you thought that the Alice In Wonderland story couldn’t stand another reworking – you would be wrong! Playwright Stewart Auty has worked his daft magic on this version and there are plenty of songs added to the mix.


Alice and her sister are spending a lazy afternoon in the sunshine when a talking White Rabbit appears and thereby sets in motion a train of bizarre events which may, or may not be a dream. There is a troupe of jesters that come on stage to sing all the songs and there are many bizarre characters : The Duchess, The Cook, The Cheshire Cat, The March Hare, The Mad Hatter, The Queen of hearts and so on. The whole thing is very colourful and could be reinforced with Literacy Hour readings of the Lewis Carroll book.

Songs suggested in the script are:

  • 59th Bridge Street Song (Feeling Groovy)
  • Run, Rabbit, Run
  • Ugly Bug Ball
  • You’ll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties
  • Everything Stops For Tea
  • All Around My Hat
  • Stand By Me
  • Daydream Believer

As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, props and costumes.

Backing tracks for the songs suggested in this play can be purchased for a modest amount each from or other backing track/karaoke companies in the UK or overseas.

See a sample of Down The Rabbit Hole (includes cast size etc.)