Following Yonder Star – The Story of ‘We Three Kings’ By Andrew Beattie
£19.00 incl. zero VAT
The Christmas Quartet – Play 4
The approximate running time of this play is 15 minutes.
This play is for a small cast (although the CHORUS has been written for 10 parts but it could be much smaller). The play requires no scenery, so it could be easily performed in a church as well as a school.
We Three Kings was written in 1857 by John Henry Hopkins Jr., of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for a Christmas pageant. The carol centres around the Biblical Magi (the “three wise men”), who visit Jesus as a child after his Nativity and give him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Though the event is recounted in the Gospel of Matthew, there are no further details given in the New Testament with regards to the names of the “wise men”, the number that were present or whether they were even royal. The names of the Magi – MELCHIOR, CASPAR and BALTHAZAR – and their status as kings from the Orient are legendary and based on post-Biblical tradition. Following Yonder Star recounts their visit to Bethlehem, making use of the words ascribed to the three kings by the writer of the carol.