Sinbad the Sailor by Stewart Auty
£27.00 incl. zero VAT
The approximate running time of this play is 1 hour.
This is a Stewart Auty pantomime – except it’s not really a pantomime. It has a lot of the features – like a Dame, who appears at the beginning and the end; a simpleton (SoSo Notgood) and songs but that is it really. We have put it under the panto category because it has some audience participation, lots of jokes and songs and we thought it would pass muster as a pantomime. Basically it is the story of some of Sinbad’s voyages, as told by him and his crew to the simpleton, SoSo.
SoSo, trying to hide from his bossy mother (the Dame we mentioned earlier), is invited into Sinbad’s house to hear and see the stories from Sinbad;s many voyages being re-enacted by his crew. As the crew have names like Sailor Way and Sailor Return, you can see why we thought it was a pantomime! There are Kings (two), cannibals, carpenters (yes, we thought that was a bit odd), a treasure-stealing Princess and a lot of sea shanties. A good laugh and a very energetic show!
Running time about 60 minutes.
Some of the songs suggested in the script are:
- Sail On Sailor
- I’ll Sail This Ship Alone
- Blow the Man Down
- Fire Down Below
- Sailing
- A Sailor went to Sea
- Sailors Hornpipe
- Dem Bones
- Back in the Saddle Again
- It Ain’t What you do it’s the way that you do it
As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, costume and prop-making.
Backing tracks for the songs suggested in this play can be purchased for a modest amount each from www.backingtrax.co.uk or other backing track/karaoke companies in the UK or overseas.
See a sample of the Sinbad the Sailor script (includes cast size etc.)
View Sample