The Arabian Nights by Lynn Brittney
£27.00 incl. zero VAT
The approximate running time of this play is 40 minutes.
The Sultan of Bhagdad had a nasty habit of marrying young women and then chopping their heads off after a few days, when he found them boring! However, his last bride, Sheherazade, famously saved her own life by telling her husband a magical story every night for one thousand and one nights until he promised never to behead another wife. (The best bit is that he dropped dead himself a few years later – serve him right! However, we digress…) In this play, Queen Sheherazade visits the Bhagdad marketplace and tells two of her famous stories to the assembled people.
The play provides a fantastic opportunity for you to construct your own street market entertainments at the beginning of the play by using musicians, dancers, jugglers, pretend fire eaters and so on. Your imagination can run wild!
The two stories are The Fisherman and The Genie (a very salutary tale about how great wealth doesn’t always bring about great happiness; and Ali Baba (don’t worry – there aren’t forty thieves in the script, just a band of robbers which you can make any size you like).
All in all, the play has the potential to be spectacularly colourful. As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, prop and costume-making.
There is no suggested music in this play but please feel free to add your own.
View a sample of The Arabian Nights (includes cast size etc.)