The Princess Frog by Lynn Brittney
£27.00 incl. zero VAT
The approximate running time of this play is 1 hour.
This is our longest play yet! Running approximately 1 hour and ten minutes (with all the songs in place) it is a fun story of a princess and her handmaidens, who have been turned into frogs by an evil wizard, and a dashing hero who breaks the spell.
The King has three sons and he decides it is time they all got married. So he devizes a plan whereby they all shoot arrows from the palace and they must marry the girls who find the arrows. The two eldest sons cheat and the youngest, most honourable son, finds, to his dismay, that a frog lady has found his arrow. The King sets all the girls some tasks, to see if they will make suitable princesses, with some hilarious consequences. It looks as though they could be stuck with a frog princess until all is revealed about the spell she is under. The play is a glorious, witty romp through a lovely traditional tale (there are talking animals, skeletons and a witch) with lots of songs thrown in for good measure! Songs suggested in the script are:
Bless Your Beautiful Hide
It’s Not Easy Being Green
We All Stand Together
I Put A Spell On You
Reach Out and I’ll Be There
Food Glorious Food
As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, props and costumes.
Backing tracks for the songs suggested in this play can be purchased for a modest amount each from www.backingtrax.co.uk or other backing track/karaoke companies in the UK or overseas.
See a sample of The Princess Frog (includes cast size etc.)