The Tinderbox by Stewart Auty
£27.00 incl. zero VAT
The approximate running time of this play is 50 minutes.
A returning soldier meets an old crone who sends him into a cave to retrieve a tinder box. We have a story of magic – rags to riches – the poor boy who gets the princess – all from the gifted comic pen of Stewart Auty.
The problem is the cave is guarded by 3 huge dogs wearing sunglasses (yes, we said sunglasses). On the plus side, the cave is also filled with bronze, silver and gold. There is a princess who sleepwalks and plenty of songs and jokes. Running time approximately one hour. Songs suggested in the script are:
Marchin’ On
Welcome Home
Step by Step
Down, Down
Devil Woman
Somebody to Love
All I Have to Do Is Dream
When Will I See You Again?
Who Let The Dogs Out?
As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, costume and prop-making.
Backing tracks for the songs suggested in this play can be purchased for a modest amount each from www.backingtrax.co.uk or other backing track/karaoke companies in the UK or overseas.
See a sample of The Tinderbox script (includes cast size etc.)