Treasure Island by Lynn Brittney
£10.00 – £34.00 incl. zero VAT
The approximate running time of this play is 50 minutes.
A humorous and lively version of the famous classic by Robert Louis Stevenson. There are lots of pirates, lots of action and even some talking goats!
The play is peppered with sea shanties and we include the sheet music for these with the script.
The songs are:
Fifteen Men on A Dead Man’s Chest
What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor?
Sail the Ocean Blue (which is sung to the tune of Fire Down Below)
Hearts of Oak
As with all our plays, there are full production notes that give advice on scenery, prop and costume-making.
In partnership with Your Accompanist, we are able to offer a music package for this play which includes downloadable MP3 piano accompaniments, sheet music (for piano and vocalists) and an instruction sheet. See below.
View a sample of Treasure Island (includes cast size etc)
Hear a sample of Treasure Island music (this is a mixture of songs from the play to give you an idea of the quality of the piano accompaniment)